1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders) Review

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

As it turns out, your first time reviewing a Cobra Commander figure is kind of intimidating. The character is such a large presence in the world of GI Joe, and the franchise as we know it literally could not exist without him. There are also a ton of Cobra Commander action figures, each of which has large swaths of fans and detractors. People are passionate about used car salesman/terrorist John Lennon.

And so am I. That’s why it’s taken me so long to review a Cobra Commander figure. I want to get it right. 

Since this is Childhood Favorites Month, today we’re looking at the Cobra Commander from my childhood– the 1992 Talking Battle Commanders Cobra Commander. This figure was a huge part of my GI Joe world growing up, as it gave me a credible version of the terrorist leader I knew from the cartoons, commercials, and comic books. 

You can point out many flaws in this figure and I will objectively agree with you. But the figure is also iconic. And, for people of a certain age, nothing represents Cobra Commander better than the TBC figure. Plus, the colors are nice. 

Let’s hope I do this figure some justice. 

A Cobra Commander for the Nineties

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

Other than the first few action figures I received as a kid, my exposure to the GI Joe brand largely came from rented VHS tapes of the Sunbow cartoon series. Cobra Commander’s scratchy, screechy voice left a big impression on me (RIP Chris Latta), as did his insane science fiction world domination schemes. I liked other cartoon villains, but he was obviously the best one.

In the cartoon series, CC usually wore his battle helmet, modeled after the original 1982/1983 action figure. I never saw that figure as a kid, but the cartoon sort of spruced up the look of the figure and gave the helmet more character and definition. No action figure available to me looked anything like that cartoon look. 

Occasionally, though, Cobra Commander would wear a hood in the cartoon series. Another of his earliest action figures wore a hood, so the cartoon was trying to advertise both toys. I had no way of knowing that as a kid, as there were no GI Joe archive websites to browse in the early 90s. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

When I received the Talking Battle Commanders Cobra Commander as a gift in 1992, though, it was instantly recognizable. This was Cobra Commander, wearing blue and outfitted with the hood he sometimes wore in the cartoon. It was my first CC figure and I was delighted that he was such a close representation of what I saw on the Sunbow series and in the few assorted comics I’d read. 

The 1992 Cobra Commander was my first CC figure and he was a game changer. Instantly, my GI Joe adventures had more purpose. There was a Big Bad for the Joes to fight. Even with his odd weapons and a permanently attached giant backpack, I had the devious, scheming Cobra leader I’d always wanted. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

A few months into owning the figure, I learned another important fact. During recess, a kid at school explained to me how you could unscrew the big talking backpack and then unscrew it from the figure. This news filled me with joy, as the awkward backpack was the only thing preventing me from getting full, unabashed satisfaction from the figure. That day I got home from school, asked my stepfather to help me find the correct screwdriver, and got to work. I removed the backpacks from Cobra Commander, Overkill, and Stalker. Neither my stepdad nor myself could get the backpack off of General Hawk, though. The screws would not budge. This is a fairly common thing for some TBC figures, but that’s a story for another day. Luckily, my Cobra Commander was easily freed from his sonic burden. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

Once the backpack was detached, I actually used the embedded sounds a lot more. The tinny voice that oozed from the speakers was very close to Chris Latta’s exuberant screech, and I was particularly fond of “I’ll get you!” I did my own CC voice when I played with my toys, of course, but sometimes it was nice to have a little plastic backup. 

Not too long after I got TBC CC, I received the mail-away Serpentor and Air Chariot. This made for some fun drama within the Cobra ranks. My friend Mark also bought the 1993 Cobra Commander, which seemed redundant to me since it was just the same figure I had in different colors. He liked that one more, though, of course. He also received the 90s mail-away version of the original hooded Cobra Commander, which was his all-time favorite. To me, that figure looked odd– it was skinny and had a bulbous head. I liked the 1992 version much more. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

Now I see the value of that original Cobra Commander, but he is still skinny and bulbous. 

My original 1992 CC was lost in the house fire. But, as long as he lasted, he was the perfect Cobra Commander for my childhood GI Joe adventures. I liked everything about the figure and it embodied the character in every way I wanted.

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

When I started recollecting ARAH-style figures in earnest, I found the 1993 version before I acquired the TBC version again. Eventually, though, I found a nice 1992 CC that was missing his backpack and some of his accessories. That’s the one you’ll be seeing here today. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders) Review

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

Before I start talking about the figure itself, I want to give a shout out to the Talking Battle Commanders packaging. It’s beautiful. I love the striking combination of highlighter yellow, blue, and black. CC also looks absolutely maniacal on the card art and it is a wonder to behold. Some people talk shit about 90s GI Joe packaging (and it’s warranted in some cases, like the 93 Star Brigade cards), but I think Hasbro did an amazing job overall with GI Joe packaging as they transitioned away from the traditional 80s look. 

I don’t own the packaging, though, so we’re now forced to look at the figure itself. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

1992 Cobra Commander from the Talking Battle Commanders sub-line was an all new mold for the year. The figure is cast in a nice, vibrant deep blue with yellow, black, red, and flesh tone paint. The figure mostly uses the three primary colors, which makes for a positively electric look. It doesn’t come off as cheap or overly bright– instead it nicely straddles the line between “real world” and “cartoon” like few other figures do. 

You want a big, bold look for a character like Cobra Commander and this figure accomplishes that perfectly. 

I’m also a big fan of the yellow accents. The collar, braided ropes, buttons, and cuffs really stand out against the blue. If you look at the Hall of Fame figure (which mirrors this one closely), you can maybe assume that this yellow was supposed to represent a more golden color, which is also what you see on the original hooded Cobra Commander. I’m glad Hasbro went with yellow, though, both because it stands out more and because yellow paint resists abuse better than gold paint does. This figure will not look dingy and faded after only a couple months of handling. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

Some people don’t love the head sculpt on this figure and think the hood doesn’t “drape” properly. And okay fine yeah you’re right, his head does kind of look like a Pac-Man ghost. But I encourage you to step outside of your biases and realize that actually makes the figure even better. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

I’m glad Hasbro went with this “shorter” hood look because it allows for more articulation and, as we’d see later when they made a new head for this body, this hood style looks much better on an action figure. Realism be damned.

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

Once you remove the figure’s backpack, his back is flat and kind of unsightly. The livelry isn’t sculpted on the rear of the figure either, which is a shame. I’m not sure why Hasbro screwed the backpacks onto these figures, as both the Sonic Fighters and Super Sonic Fighters did just fine with separate backpacks. Maybe Hasbro thought the voice clips were so fundamentally tied to the characters that the figures always needed the sounds close at hand. Whatever their reasoning was, they were wrong. Luckily, it’s not too tough to remove the backpacks. I did it when I was 8 years old. 

Now, let’s look at some accessories! … which I only have some of, unfortunately. For the life of me, I could not find one of the figure’s missiles. It should have been in the same box as the rest of his accessories, but it was not. I have never used it for anything other than this figure, so I’m pretty perplexed about where it went. I’m also bummed out about it. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

Anyway, 1992 Talking Battle Commanders Cobra Commander comes with a black laser rifle, a black rocket launcher, two black rockets, and a figure stand. You’ll only see one rocket in my photo, so here’s a screenshot from YoJoe

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

And here’s a screenshot of the backpack, just for good measure. It has some decent sculpting, but it’s easily the worst part of the figure and is destined to live its entire life in a drawer or tupperware container. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

The laser rifle is pretty nice. I mostly use it with Star Brigade figures, and it works very well in that regard. If Cobra Commander is going out in the field, this also makes sense for him. If he’s going to use a rifle or infantry type weapon, a laser rifle is a good choice. It’s intimidating to the enemy, matches his flashy style, and is probably easy to use. I imagine this weapon as sort of a rapid-fire weapon, sort of like a laser machine gun. The gun also looks a lot like Sci-Fi v2’s weapon, so to me it absolutely has to be a laser rifle.

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

The rocket launcher is also very cool, especially when you have both rockets. I love the little “backstop” behind the rockets, which would prevent CC from being destroyed by rocket exhaust. The brace that clips over his forearm is also a nice touch, as it would probably make any sort of recoil more manageable. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

As a kid, I used the launcher as CC’s primary weapon– without the rockets. I usually imagined it as some sort of high-tech, experimental sonic weapon (the backstop and missile tabs kind of looked like a radar dish to me), but it could also be a microwave weapon or a mind-control ray, depending on circumstances. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

These days, I usually give this CC a silver Rise of Cobra pistol that looks similar to his original venom blaster/hair dryer. It just looks natural with this toy, as it’s a bit bulkier than the ARAH version of the gun. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

The 1992 Cobra Commander mold was used plenty more times by Hasbro. It was repainted in 1993 with a new back piece to eliminate the “flat” look of the original. That figure looks very nice in black and silver, but I don’t think it quite competes with this one, even with the improved back. It was used again in 2000 in a similar, but nice, color scheme. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

It also saw a convention exclusive release, but then it got three more uses in the Comic Pack and Repaint Era. The Repaint Era and 2000 figures all use the original’s flat back, which is perplexing and frustrating. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

Hasbro resculpted the hood for the three Repaint Era releases and it just does not look nearly as good, even though it drapes more naturally I guess. It’s also small and looks weird. If Hasbro was going to use this very good body sculpt a bunch more times, and if they were sculpting new heads, why didn’t they do one with a battle helmet to recreate CC’s most enduring look? I’ll never understand the decisions they made throughout the 00s. 

I really don’t have to tell you how Cobra Commander fits into a GI Joe collection. He’s quite possibly the most necessary character in the entire franchise. I see Cobra Commander mostly as the old Marvel Comics portrayed him– a dangerous man with an impressive private military that radicalizes and recruits disenfranchised people from around the world. Cobra has no real cause other than wealth and power, but Cobra Commander will pay lip service to whatever cause gets angry men riled up, whether that’s income inequality, opposing Western imperialism, or returning the world to the “good old days.” Really, Cobra Commander just wants to reshape the world in his own image, which is fickle and changes all the time. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

I also see some of the Sunbow cartoon’s CC portrayal of the character. I just can’t separate Cobra Commander from the Larger Than Life presence he had in the old cartoon. I see him as a dangerous, competent person that isn’t trying to dominate the weather or control people through three chord hair metal. But I find it impossible to separate the character from his personality in the cartoon. 

I think this figure works as both a “throne room” Cobra Commander and a “battlefield” Cobra Commander. He looks regal and imposing, but he’s also wearing fairly practical clothing that wouldn’t impede him if he needed to jump out of a vehicle, find cover, or run away. The bulkier nature of this figure means that he just has a more martial presence than many other Cobra Commander toys. He can screech orders, kick ass, or do both. This figure is a treat for the imagination. 

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

There are objectively better Cobra Commander figures, but this one is my favorite. It lacks the pop culture saturation of the original and the intricate sculpting of the 87 battle armor version, but it completely holds its own. For people my age, this is the iconic Cobra Commander action figure. It may not be the greatest in a pure technical sense, but it has the presence and personality to overcome any of its flaws.

For me, this will always be Cobra Commander. Every other CC action figure is secondary. 

Overall: This figure has some flaws, mainly the flat back. You may not love the hood sculpt or the colors either, but I love both of those aspects. This is a bright, fun action figure that just commands attention and works perfectly as Cobra Commander. Other than the backpack, the accessories are great. The rocket launcher is a unique weapon that a maniac like CC absolutely would carry into a battlefield, and the laser rifle also has a flashiness about it that suits the character nicely. You might like other Cobra Commander figures more, but you need this one in your collection, too. He’s Highly Recommended

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Artist Spotlight

By Eric S. from Michigan, Age 12

Closing Thoughts on 1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders)

Thanks for joining me! I hope you enjoyed my first ever Cobra Commander review and got some enjoyment out of it. 

Also, thanks for your patience. It’s been a busy week and I still have some comments to reply to. I’m getting to those right after I hit “publish” on this piece. Thanks so much for all of your support, great insights, and good conversations. I love talking to all of you and I appreciate each interaction I have with you. 

I’m still bummed about losing that rocket, and I’ll probably be looking to replace it tomorrow. Hello eBay, goodbye $45. GI Joe prices are nuts. 

When was the last time a toy accessory just disappeared on you? What do you think of this Cobra Commander? Which Cobra Commander is your favorite? Let me know in the comments!

18 thoughts on “1992 GI Joe Cobra Commander (Talking Battle Commanders) Review

  1. Ah man, I was nearly a teenager when I finally found out that you could remove Overkill’s backpack. I don’t know why it skipped over me for so long. I was holding the figure, lamenting the backpack for the 500th time, and the little screws just suddenly hit me: “Wait…maybe there are more screws UNDER this first layer of the backpack?” Changed Overkill for life.

    Anyway, this Cobra Commander was one of my main goals, besides Battle Armor CC. Battle Armor CC was to be for special occasions, though. This one was THE Cobra Commander! I never did see it, though; nor even held it. Later on, my friend would get the black one, and he kinda took over all my nostalgia for Cobra Commander – so much so that he was bought pretty early on in my semi-recent 90s Joe buying phase.

    As for the design: Just awesome. Totally agreed on the head sculpt too! It’s just more dynamic and easier to pose. The newer sculpt, like you said, was kinda small and weirdly shaped. It moved better than I thought it would, but it didn’t get the SCOWL right! The 90s sculpt is just so ANGRY! Maybe not as angry as the spittle-flying rage of the card art, but it still did a great job!

    Overall: Agreed! I only put the black one higher because of it’s role in my childhood. Just didn’t have a choice!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi again Eric! Thanks for your art contribution. It really spiced things up.

      Removing the backpacks greatly helped all of those figures. I feel like Overkill had the most useful backpack though, because you could store the hand or claw on it. And just has a cool look, like a portable computer bank or something. So I always kept it around to use for other things.

      Battle Armor is definitely either for special occasions, or for when you kill Cobra Commander and impersonate him for several years. But that’s kind of a special occasion of its own.

      I feel like every 90s CC got the anger right! Especially the Hall of Fame and Star Brigade versions.

      It’s totally fair to like the black version more. It’s such a good figure! But I had this one first, so you know it has to be my favorite.


  2. animatedtako

    That picture of him with the blue and yellow comic pack troopers is stunning! It’s crazy how well they match despite being released so many years apart.

    My experience with this mold is larger the 93 version, but I have a deep appreciation for this color scheme due the his appearances like this in the Konami arcade game, and the DiC cartoon. Most of the episodes I saw when I was younger were the second season episodes, where he more often appeared like this instead of in the battle armor.

    As classic as the original look is, it looks more weird bond villain than military commander to me; so the TBC Cobra Commander felt a lot more contemporary to me in 1992, matching my mental image of a military dictator which then was very largely shaped by the likes of Saddam Hussein and friends. Given the time frame for when the figure would’ve been conceptualized I doubt that’s a coincidence. Now though I’ve got a keener eye and looking at the pants, boots and extreme breast coat, aiguillette and all the other ceremonial trim I recognize it as a greatest hits uniform representing authoritarian military styling (even American) that snags a bit from every continent. It’s an amazing design that makes this Cobra Commander’s role recognizable no matter where you are in the world, yet still sort of ideologically agnostic. It’s an absolute masterpiece of badguy design and it’s incredibly difficult to follow up without echoing it’s finer features.

    To think he was released opposite of TBC General Hawk, who himself is similarly kind of a pastiche of many famous American generals with a new Desert Storm seasoning on top gives me a ton of appreciation for how much they took the “commander” design brief seriously; it was just such fantastic wave design. My nostalgia does favor the black and silver version, but objectively the blue is absolutely the look. So good!

    I absolutely agree about wishing the backpacks were naturally detachable, but I can’t imagine ANYONE favors them like they are. My main regret is that the battle commanders don’t have backpacks that are as multi purpose as some of the Super Sonic Fighters.

    When I think of the kind of things I want out of Hasbro commitment to returning to O-ring; it’s stuff like this I think about more. This Cobra Commander mold and color scheme, but finally with the 93 back. Throw in a newly sculpted battle helmet head as swap-out extra while you’re at it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I’m glad you liked that photo– it was just a random idea I had, and then they ended up working together very well. It’s almost like those comic pack troopers were tailor made for TBC CC.

      You make some really excellent points about the uniform. I didn’t analyze it as deeply as you did, just because this looks like “Cobra Commander” to me, but you’re totally right– this outfit takes so many design cues from various authoritarian sources (even America) and you instantly know that without even doing a deeper analysis. It’s great work.

      And yeah, Hawk kind of does the same thing in a great way. He’s like Desert Storm + Lee Marvin from the Dirty Dozen and it works very, very well. They did a good job making Stalker look large and in charge, too. I agree that it’s a great wave. All four figures are fantastic and do their jobs remarkably well.

      I would love if Hasbro branched this way for the o-ring revival, but I imagine we will just mostly see the 83-85 characters and designs, for the most part. Which is fine but kind of boring.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. generalliederkranz

    I love all the figure pairings you’ve thought of for this. Clever. The Hall of Fame lookalike headswap is also great. That head was my favorite part of the 94, because of the HoF resemblance.

    I also had this CC as a kid, but he didn’t play as big a role for me. I was never clever enough to figure out how to take the backpack off, which limited his usefulness. The 1993 Battle Corps CC was, for me, what this figure was for you–especially because my Joe universe was much more based on the comics than the cartoons, and in the relatively few comic issues I had, from about #100 onward, CC’s outfit looked more black than blue. So the 93 was absolutely perfect. (I also had the 1991, which I got before either of these. But he just didn’t click for me, which I think is true for most people.)

    In the end, the 2000 is my favorite version of this mold, because of the deep color and the return of the centered Cobra logo. I like to use him with 1988-1989 figures since they don’t have their own contemporaneous CC.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the comment, GL! I had fun grouping figures together for this one, but I’m not sure I hit quite every pairing that I wanted. But you can only do so much in one review. I also really like that they went with the HoF look for the Star Brigade CC. It was an inspired choice.

      I think Marvel was definitely trying for a black look with CC’s costume in the later era. And I also think if I’d had the 93 version first, he’d be my favorite instead of this one. But childhood experiences do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to these toys. As a side note, I never even knew about the 91 figure until I got internet access and found YoJoe.com. I don’t think I saw it in stores even once. I like the figure now, though.

      The 2000 figure is also great! If only they’d painted the gloves and boots. And I like your idea to use him with the late 80s figures, too.


  4. A-Man

    I’ve long thought the backpacks were screwed on to prevent theft, that’s my best guess. The Talking Battle Commanders retailed for $10 each, quite a bit compared to even $6 and $7 sonic/super sonic fighters.

    Oh, TBC Hawk’s pack is impossible. I recall my older brother partially breaking it to get it open. It was a call I had to make and the right one. I’ve two upper Hawk bodies with packs attached right now, cannot budge a SINGLE ONE of the 4 screws. Not sure what to do. Half Hawks ain’t too useful.

    I agree about the short hood. It’s also why crap like the comic book Horrorshow’s waist needs to be avoided. Do the longer coat tails look more like the comic? Yeah, but I’d rather him be able to sit.

    My issue with the figure was how beefed-up CC looks (the pack cannot explain it, as Stalker and Overkill’s torsos are normal sized). BUT, it can make sense in context of him going all Vince McMahon and working out. Or having armor underneath his clothes like the last few ARAH comic issues. And articulation isn’t too affected, not as bad as 1991 CC, anyway.

    He might not be my favorite ARAH CC, but sans pack, TBC CC is the most playable vintage ARAH Cobra Commander figure. No tight hand grips, no silver or gold paint to rub off, no easily lost helmet hose. No ALIEN space helmet. You pretty much said all that.

    I wish all the 00’s releases had his original weapons. The launcher is nifty.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the comment, A-Man! I think your theft theory is just as good as anything I’ve come up with. I never realized they were even more expensive than the other “deluxe” figures.

      I never minded CC being bulkier and I didn’t even notice as a kid. I don’t mind now, either, because it’s pretty easy to explain away as you just did.

      Yeah, I wish those weapons had seen more than 2 releases as well. I’d love a couple more of the laser rifles and to get another rocket or two.


  5. My first Cobra Commander profile was my longest written piece at the time of its release. It’s a character that deserves some time and thought for sure.

    As I found the 1993 Cobra Commander before the 2000 was released, it became my favorite. And, when I finally got a TBC figure, I didn’t much like him as he wasn’t in great condition, I had a better colored one and I had the 1991 CC for a blue motif if I wanted it. But, that was too quick of a dismissal and this TBC figure is actually really great. With Destro, Firefly and later Metal Head and Major Bludd, this figure can lead a more modern looking version of the Cobra hierarchy.

    Yeah, the flat back sucks. But, the 2005 cape can be borrowed for it. I was never a fan of the weapons, though. The missile launcher is bizarre enough to be kind of fun. But, the laser weapon always seemed too large for me. I prefer the 1989 Track Viper pistol. (But, they’ve got pricey.) But, even the ’87 CC pistol that was released in the ’00’s is a good option.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Samuel Smith

      100% agree that any of the repaint era CC capes solve the flat back issue with aplomb. I have a black one. I’m jealous of the red one in this review. Any/either of the capes are an excellent workaround.

      But honestly, the flat back was never much a bother to me. We never stared at our figures’ backside anyway! 🤣 Just outfit this dude with a backpack (that’s not the size of an Isuzu) or a cape, and you’re golden. The flat back is hidden from view.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Thanks for the comment, Mike!

      I’d love to get a few Track Viper pistols, too, but they are really expensive. As you said. I like the laser rifle, but I think it’s funny that Hall of Fame Cobra Commander came with the 91 version’s gun. I also like that gun (the one in black that comes with MK Sonya Blade) for various Cobra Commanders, as well. I might try out that Battle Armor CC pistol with this mold, though. I’ve never done that for some reason.


  6. My place is so disorganized, loads of things have gone missing from a couple of the bullets that always fall out of Sideshow Snake Plisskin’s gun, a Horde trooper head I was repainting, even one of my Judge Dredd figures went missing for years. I should buy more shelving but it would eat into my toy budget.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sam Smith

    When I discovered GI Joe as a kid, I was too late to get the light blue helmeted CC or the navy blue hooded CC from 83. My first CC was the 87 version with battle armor, and I more-or-less hated him. (Still do.) I wanted a CC that looked like the cartoon!

    So I rode my bike to a hobby shop and spent my allowance on a used 83 hooded CC. During play time, we used him constantly. We had to. You can’t have Cobra without its leader. But even as kids, we remarked that hooded CC looked like a wimp. He was so scrawny! Why would anyone be afraid of this guy?! We had to imagine that he gained power through capable scheming and tactical genius. (So…basically not the guy from the cartoons.) He was the quiet nerd grown up to be the dangerous megalomaniac.

    From there, we started to view the 87 CC in a different light. As a scrawny shrimp, CC neededDestro to make him a high tech battle suit, so he could be physically imposing as well as intellectually imposing. Kind of like Iron Man back when he was crippled in the comics.

    But then, in 1991, Hasbro released a super jacked CC with a red face shield. 💪🏋‍♂️ It’s like this mutha f–ker spent four 👏 straight 👏 years 👏 training with Big Boa! Who needs a battle armor suit when you’re built like Hulk Hogan?

    So then 1992 comes around. And Hasbro released the TBC CC — who does not look jacked anymore. Rather, this dude looks thickkkkkk! (Sorry to burst your bubble, everybody.) It’s like CC watched Steven Sagal age, and thought, “Seems fun, imma do that.” It’s like he kept taking the creatine supplements every day, but stopped lifting weights. And that’s how I view this version of CC (and the million repaints of him that came afterwards). In my collection, he is called “fat and happy” CC. And…I love him!

    This version of CC is, in my opinion, the best sculpt of any CC figure in the entire line (except for 93 where Hasbro fixed his back).

    I really enjoy the 92 colorway. It reminds me of the original 82/83 colorway, but without the battle helmet. (Missed opportunity, Hasbro.)

    The 93 colorway is arguably better. The all-black deco is slick, but the tiny Cobra sigil on his chest is distracting.

    The 2000 colorway is among my favs, however it’s missing paint apps. (The 1992 version does not skimp on paint apps.) The 2000 version needed black paint added to the boots, gloves, belt, and diagonal strap.

    I used to own one of the saggy hood CCs from the comic packs, but I hated the hood. And I especially hated the Cobra sigil on his forehead. (White circle with red logo? Terrible.)
    So this version got donated to my nephews.

    I think the only thing I kept was the black cape, which looks awweeeeesomeeee with CC and/or Serpy and/or Overlord and/or 89 Destro — whomever has assumed control of Cobra in your play time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the comment, Sam!

      My second-ever CC was the 97 repaint of the Battle Armor version, so I have an attachment to that mold. I’ve owned that one and the other ARAHC repaint for years, but I’ve oddly never owned an original 87 CC. Just one of those strange things.

      I like that 91 figure pretty well, and it’s cool that at least one version tried to update the battle helmet. But yes he is YOKED. So yoked that he scuffs his own gold paint.

      And yeah that circled Cobra logo on the comic pack CCs is awful. I have no idea what Hasbro was thinking with that. I still kind of want the clear/hologram one, though.


  8. David N

    Hello! I think the laser rifle isn’t a laser rifle or if it is, then it is based on an actual gun. I cannot find the name of the gun in question, however, I saw an interview with rapper/actor Ice T many years ago after he did a film called “Tank Girl” where he has a gun almost identical. I couldn’t, and still cannot, figure out where the ammo went.

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  9. I had both the OG helmeted CC and the mail order hooded CC before I ever even saw an episode of the cartoon or read an issue of the comic. So my CC was an evil genius bent on world conquest who was decidedly not a fuck up, but a truly dangerous dude. In the first couple of Sunbow story arcs, CC is more badass than he would be later in the series, when they made him more sniveling, which always bugged me. Don’t get me wrong, I love the cartoon and I think it’s held up better than the original Transformers cartoon or MASK, Thundercats, etc. When I played, CC was always right out there leading his army and sometimes he actually won!

    As far as accessories go, I’ve been unpacking my collection after a long time in storage. I swear that when I put him away, Wildcard had his helmet, machete, and sheath. Somehow, just the machete is missing. Also, I found all of HEAT Viper’s accessories (other than the rockets), but no figure. Also, Chuckles’s holster and gun and the BAT’S backpack and hands, but no figures there either. Stratoviper and Star Viper are also MIA despite their vehicles both being nearly 100%.

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