1993 GI Joe Headhunter Stormtrooper

1993 GI Joe Headhunter Stormtrooper Review

Hello everyone. I hope you’re doing well and that all of the Tylenols and ibuprofens are defending your body’s pain receptors from the rigors of old age. My results on that are a bit mixed.

Today we’re looking at a figure I’ve been wanting to review for quite a while. It’s also a figure that’s been with me since childhood. It survived a house fire and is still in pretty good shape– I’ve never even had to replace its original o-ring!

So settle in for a cozy little review of Hasbro’s 1993 GI Joe Headhunter Stormtrooper, which saw plenty of action during my formative years. And watch your fingers because this is one spiky little guy.

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1993 GI Joe Street Fighter 2 Sagat

1993 GI Joe Street Fighter 2 Sagat Review

So, in case you don’t remember, I went to an estate sale last year and bought a bunch of carded GI Joe figures from 1994. There were some 1993 figures in the lot as well, but almost all of them were from the Street Fighter 2 sub-line. I’ve been in a Street Fighter mood lately (like literally [figuratively] everyone else in the entire world), so I thought it would be fun to take a look at a figure I don’t have much experience with.

That brings us to today’s review– we’re looking at 1993 GI Joe Street Fighter 2 Sagat!

I had a fun time playing around with this figure and analyzing all of its various intricacies. I hope you enjoy this review as much as I enjoyed making it for you.

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1993 GI Joe Star Brigade Duke (Armor Tech)

1993 GI Joe Star Brigade Duke (Armor Tech) Review

Hello. How have you been? Are you still interested in old GI Joes? Because most of the time I still am.

Today we’re looking at a figure that is absolutely nobody’s favorite. But it’s one I got carded for less than the cost of a Wendy’s combo meal a couple years ago, and I’ve been itching to clip the accessories from the weapons tree, take some photos, and then never think about again.

So here’s 1993 GI Joe Star Brigade Duke from the Armor Tech sub-line.

Let’s get to it.

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1993 GI Joe Ozone (Star Brigade)

1993 GI Joe Ozone (Star Brigade) Review

October of 2022 is a very special month here at The Dragon Fortress, because it’s all dedicated to The Most Important Member of GI Joe (some say The Only Important Member of GI Joe)– Specialist David F. Kunitz aka OZONE.

GI Joe Ozone

All month long, we’ll be looking at each ARAH version of GI Joe’s environmental safety trooper. Today, we’re starting with both versions of Ozone released in 1993 for the Star Brigade sub-line.

So how does an ozone replenishment specialist work as a combat astronaut? That’s what we’re here to find out.


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1993 GI Joe Cyber Viper (Mega Marines)

1993 GI Joe Cyber-Viper (Mega Marines) Review

Today on The Dragon Fortress, we’re looking at an odd figure I have neither nostalgia for nor childhood attachment to. It’s the 1993 GI Joe Cyber-Viper, who is one of the strangest figures in the ARAH toy line with an outlandish color scheme.

Those qualifications fit my mission statement perfectly, but my opinion on Cyber-Viper may surprise you. Or maybe not. You could just be really good at reading people, or be reading my thoughts through a 5G tower. Usually I only let the government read my mind but ,since you’re doing it for a good cause (a late 30-something’s opinion on an ancient GI Joe toy), we’ll let it slide this time.

This review also includes a cameo from one of my good friends and all-time favorite internet toy enthusiasts. But that’s a surprise for later.

Anyway, let’s talk about monsters and cyborgs. 

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1993 GI Joe Spirit (Mail Away)

1993 GI Joe Spirit (Mail Away) Review

Well, I finally finished photographing the review I was talking about in my previous post. And wouldn’t you know it– it’s another GI Joe mail away from 1993. I have very few of those (but want basically all of them), so don’t expect it to be a big trend. I just felt like reviewing this figure.

Today we’re talking about the GI Joe Spirit mail away from 1993, who was part of the International Action Force four-pack figure offer. He was sold in a set with Big Bear, Big Ben, and Budo. Let’s hope Hawk doesn’t do roll call in alphabetical order every time he assembles the IAF. Oh, to be an S in a world of Bs.

Let’s take a look at the figure.

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1993 GI Joe Deep Six (Mail Away)

1993 GI Joe Deep Six (Mail Away) Review

Hey look, it’s another review I photographed last summer. That means we’re getting to the end of my backlog and I should probably figure out a way to take more GI Joe photos.

But that’s a problem for Future Dustin.

Today, let’s bask in the glow of the Neon Past and spend some quality time with Deep Six version 4, a Mail Away figure from 1993.

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1993 GI Joe Street Fighter 2 Chun-Li

1993 GI Joe Street Fighter 2 Chun-Li Review

Hey, remember that little backlog of photos I mentioned? I decided to finally do a review with some of those photos. Now, please remain calm and don’t rush to congratulate me all at once.

Today we’re looking at one of the most unpopular figures in the entire vintage GI Joe toy line, who also represents one of the most popular fictional characters in the entire world. That’s right! We’re looking at 1993 GI Joe Street Fighter 2 Chun-Li.

That’s a bit of a mouthful, but it is her official title. Well, actually ‘The Strongest Woman in the World’ is her official title, but ‘1993 GI Joe Street Fighter 2 Chun-Li’ is her official Hasbro title.

And boy oh boy, does this toy have ‘1993 Hasbro’ written all over it in shocking blue and yellow.

Let us proceed.

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1993 GI Joe Ice Snake

1993 GI Joe Ice Snake Gallery and Quick Review

1993 GI Joe Ice Snake

Today we’re looking at another vehicle. I’ve wanted to write about the 1993 GI Joe Ice Snake for quite a while, since it was an important childhood vehicle for me. It’s also a really nice piece, especially for a late-line vehicle. The design is good, the colors are appropriate, the features are fun, and it’s a really nice addition to the Cobra snow fleet. I think most GI Joe fans would be pretty on board with this one.

We’ll take a look at the vehicle from every possible angle, see how it works with various figures, and go over all of its features and gimmicks.

This particular Ice Snake was given to me by my friend Barry. I’m still very grateful he sent it my way, as I find it’s one of my most-used Cobra vehicles. I love taking photos of it, posing different figures on and around it, and even playing with it. Thanks, Barry!

Let’s start with the basics and a couple little photo galleries.

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1993 GI Joe Sonic Boom Tank

1993 GI Joe Sonic Boom Tank Gallery and Quick Review

Hi there. Today we’re doing another gallery post, but I’ll also provide some thoughts on the toy. We’re doing “childhood favorites” this month, which is mostly a thing I’m reserving for my main reviews on Thursdays. But we’ll make an exception for today’s Tuesday post. 


The Sonic Boom Tank, released in 1993 as part of GI Joe’s Street Fighter 2 sub-line, definitely counts as a childhood favorite. I didn’t own a ton of GI Joe vehicles as a kid. I did have some bigger pieces like the Crusader and Fort America, but only had a few small or medium sized vehicles. I got the Sonic Boom Tank in 1993 during a bout of chicken pox, and it became one of my most-used vehicles after that. It was really the most “traditional military” vehicle I had for GI Joe, so it kind of became the go-to vehicle for every mission. 

Before the SBT, I basically just had the Attack Cruiser, which I didn’t love even as a kid. The Crusader was obviously an amazing piece, but it wasn’t practical for ground missions. And, even though it saw a good amount of use, I couldn’t really wrap my head around Fort America as a kid. I was used to Transformers, which had convincing secondary/disguise modes, so a weird tank transforming into a nebulous Pile of Brown was a bit odd to me. That left the Sonic Boom Tank and, a little later on, the Mudbuster as my primary Joe vehicles for the last few years of the ARAH line. 

Let’s dive in and look at some pretty pictures.

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